These prompts aid in conducting competitive analysis, market trends study, product research, and other investigative activities in business context.
Develop a Retention Strategy
Increase customer retention & reduce churn
Outline a retention strategy for my [describe your product/service] to increase customer loyalty and reduce churn.
Career Advisor
Get recommendations about type of jobs that might be good fit for you
As a career advisor, explore job opportunities in [industry/segment] industry/segment with me based on my skills and experience. Ask me relevant questions ONE-by-ONE to determine the necessary qualifications or steps to pursue these careers.
Answering Specific Questions
Helps in finding answers to any complex topic
I want you to act as an [subject] expert and give me recommendations for [specific question].
User Profile
User Profile Generation
1. Based on [your product information], identify the key characteristic of an ideal user for this product. 2. What are their fears, core beliefs, and values regarding using this product?
Personalized software recommendations
Find solutions to streamline business
Can you suggest a software solution that can streamline my business processes. Our business is: [describe what you do for clients / business process]. my goal with software is to reduce operational costs or processing time, and enhance [goal: customer experience/employee productivity]
Build customer persona(s)
Learn about you ideal customer profile / persona in great depth
My [product/service] helps [audience] [do X/ end goal of using your product], Create [number] customer persona in following groups:
Group: Personal Profile with fields: Name, Sex, Age, Has a credit card?, Favorite movie, Favorite book, Top 5 visited websites, Followed social media topics
Group: Psychographics, use fields that are relevant for my offering
Group: Pain with fields: biggest secret fear, complain from existing solution
Group: Shopping behavior with field: Primary decision trigger, situation when reminded of the pain
Group: Desire Profile with fields: big secret desire, big lifestyle desire
under any group include any other additional fields that you think might be relevant.
Assign an easy-to-remember name to each persona.
Product Naming
Choose between tens of strategically generated product names
Generate [number] name ideas for this new product on the market [provide product information].
Customer feedback collection
Create system that collect customer feedback at critical interaction points
Pretend you are customer experience expert and create a customer satisfaction feedback system for my [type of business] business to delight my customers. The system should be efficient and east to implement